• Title: Cervical cancer prevention program (CCPP)
  • Implementing bodies: Ukani Malawi & GirlUp
  • Location:: Ndirande, Blantyre(Malawi)
  • Date: 25th January, 2020


Malawi has the highest rates of cervical cancer in the world, estimated at 75.9% per 100,000 women and a mortality rate of 49.8% per 100,000, in addition there is an extremely low cervical cancer survival rate, at 2.9%.Every year, about 3,684 Malawian women develop cervical cancer and about 3,314 lose their life to the disease.
Despite efforts from the government and NGO’s, Malawi continues to topthe charts. Malawi’s high cervical cancer rates can be attributed to a number of factors, To begin with, there is a low turn up for screening, which leads to late detection and further decreases chances survival, secondly, low awareness on cervical cancerand prevention methods available, as well as the high prevalence of the human papilloma virus that is known tocausecervical. Cervical cancer is a nationwide epidemic that will lead to more deaths among Malawian women if not tackled with full force.

The program

The cervical cancer prevention program is a project that aims to reduce the high rates of cervical cancer in Malawi, by providing awareness for cervical cancer, the HPV connection and training on the prevention methods availableas well as sexual reproductive health education ina fun and educative manner.
Many women in the poverty ridden communities in Malawi do not have robust knowledge on what cervical cancer is, what causes it and the prevention methods available. This project intends to provide training to 100 young women on cervical cancer, theHuman papilloma virus (HPV)connectionand to encourage safe sex practices in order to reduce the contraction of a HPV whichcausescervical cancer,through training sessions. It will also raise awareness for the importance of cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination and encourage young women to get the vaccine and screened.
It will hold awareness campaigns such as; TV andradio talks and big walks.This project is critical in helping the nation fight cervical cancer, not only will the women directly benefit from life-saving information, but it will lead to more young women taking up cervical cancer prevention methods which will eventually lead to a decrease in cervical cancer rates and thus also alleviatingthe cost burden of cervical canceronMalawi’s already crippled economy.
To begin with 100 women will gain knowledge on what cervical cancer is and what causes it, cervical cancer is caused by HPV which is primarily transmitted through sexual intercourse, the women will receive comprehensive sexual education and will be encouraged to adopt safe sex practices and this will lead to a reduction in HPV transmissionas they are more likely not to engage in risky sexual behaviors.
Secondly, 100 women will have information on the cervical cancer prevention methods such as cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination and the importance of taking up these prevention methods, and this will increase their likelihood of getting the vaccine or screened.
The ministry of healthis currently struggling withlow ratesof cervical cancer screening coverage(27%), which is much lower than the target they want to achieve as set aside in the National Cervical Cancer Strategy(80%), this project will help the ministry of health achieve this target, by providing robust information on cervical cancer prevention methods and encouraging young women to get screenedand making partnerships with local health centersto try to increase screening uptake

Upon completion of the project we plan to see the following changesin relation to 100 women:

  • Increasedknowledge on cervical cancer, increased knowledge on the causes of cervical cancer, particularlyHPV and a shift towards positive sexual behaviors in order to decrease HPV transmissionand increased number of women getting screenedand vaccinated